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Carré, C., Haghe, J.-P., Pivano, C., Becu, N., de Coninck, A., Deroubaix, J.-F., Le Pichon, C., Flipo N., Tallec, G., 2014. How to integrate scientific models to switch from flood river management to multifunctional river management, Journal of River Basin Management, 12, 231-249.

Carré, C., Haghe, J.-P., Pivano, C., Becu, N., de Coninck, A., Deroubaix, J.-F., Le Pichon, C., Flipo N., Tallec, G., 2014. How to integrate scientific models to switch from flood river management to multifunctional river management, Journal of River Basin Management, 12, 231-249.