Applications for the next round of post-docs (starting 1 September 2012) are due end of this month: 29 February 2012. The post-docs are 2 years, research only, and based in Tokyo. One of the streams for the program at UNU-ISP is ‘Peace and Security’ (there are also ‘International Cooperation and Development’ and ‘Global Change and Sustainability’).
The Peace and Security section develops research on threats to the peace, such as violent conflicts, human rights abuses, proliferation of weapons, terrorism, but is gradually expanding its analysis, within the globally changing geopolitical context, to integrate other aspects of human security – challenges of climate change, poverty and under-development, economic globalization and interdependence. The section places particular emphasis on how to address such new challenges in vulnerable post-conflict situations, looking at sustainable, long-term approaches to peacebuilding and human rights, aiming to prevent state’s failure and communities falling back into violence. The JSPS Fellow will conduct research that fits broadly within the themes above.
Required qualifications:
* PhD degree in social sciences generally, or international law/international relations in particular
* Fluency in English is essential, working knowledge of another language is desirable
* Applications from women and candidates originating from developing countries are encouraged
Full details of the application process can be found here: