Faculté des géosciences et de l’environnement
The Institute of Geography invites applications for a position of a PhD Student
Entrée en fonction: 01.10.2012
Durée du contrat: One year, renewable once for 2 years (max. 3 years)
Profil souhaité:
Master’s degree in geography, development studies or a related discipline or field
Research, work or volunteering experience in a developing-country context (preferably South Asia and India)
Familiarity with qualitative methods of data collection
Excellent analytical, research and writing skills
Ability to work effectively independently and in a team
Motivation and ability to carry out extended field research in urban ndia
Knowledge of an Indian language (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi) would be considered an asset
Eligible and willing to enter the geography PhD program at the University of Lausanne
Seeking to promote an equitable representation of men and women among its staff,
Délai de candidature: 30.06.2012
Prof. René Véron : rene.veron@unil.ch
Information on the related pilot project can be found at: http://mesoscaphe.unil.ch/igul/projrech/index.php?idPage=69&page=viewDetails&id_projet=78&lang=en.
Salary scale : http://www.snf.ch/SiteCollectionDocuments/allg_doktorierende_f.pdf
Institut de Géographie : http://www.unil.ch/igul