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PhD positions in Environment, society and science

There are two positions vacant as PhD Research Fellows in Environment, society and science at University of Nordland, The Faculty of Social Sciences, as from 1st August 2013. Both positions are three-year tenures and are linked to the major Environmental Sociology project.

PhD position No. 1:
The theoretical and scientific basis for environmental sociology
The candidate will work on issues related to the relationship between the social sciences and natural sciences. This makes the project both a theoretical review of sociology and a study of science about the similarities and differences in understanding of the environment and society.

PhD position No 2 Applied Environmental Sociology
In this part of the research project, we are looking for a PhD project that can contribute to the development of sociological perspectives on current environmental challenges. The project will be empirical, based on one or more selected areas in which environmental topics are relevant. Both qualitative and quantitative data can be used. At the same time theoretical and conceptual development are both important. The candidate will be able to work with issues concerning how sociology can be used to understand the relationship between environment and society.

– For further information, please consult the document below.