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Cohen, M., Ronchail, J., Alonso-Roldán, M., Morcel, C., Angles, S., Araque-Jimenez, E., Labat, D., 2014. Adaptability of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems to Climate Change. The Example of the Sierra Mágina Olive-Growing Region (Andalusia, Spain). Part I: Past and Present, Weather, Climate, and Society, 6, 3, 380-398, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-12-00043.1,

Cohen, M., Ronchail, J., Alonso-Roldán, M., Morcel, C., Angles, S., Araque-Jimenez, E., Labat, D., 2014. Adaptability of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems to Climate Change. The Example of the Sierra Mágina Olive-Growing Region (Andalusia, Spain). Part I: Past and Present, Weather, Climate, and Society, 6, 3, 380-398, doi:10.1175/WCAS-D-12-00043.1,