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Appel à contribution pour le rapport sur les effets des politiques de «régénération urbaine» sur la pauvreté

Call for evidence

The review will focus on the impact of regeneration and ‘localisation’ initiatives on poverty. We are interested in evidence which reflects on the capacity of targeted, area-based initiatives to reduce material forms of poverty or mitigate the consequences of poverty.

We would particularly welcome evidence in any of the following areas:
– evaluations of smaller-scale regeneration programmes or neighbourhood-based projects that have not been subject to widely available evaluations

– evidence on the financial costs and benefits of regeneration programmes in tackling poverty

– material that reflects on the likely impact on poverty of current regeneration and ‘localisation’ initiatives e.g. the Localism Act 2011

– (in addition to evidence on the UK) English language material on regeneration in other countries in Europe as well as the United States, Canada and Australia.

The team are interested both in material that considers the direct impact of regeneration on poverty as well as on factors known to contribute to poverty (e.g. worklessness). We will focus on evidence from 1990 onwards but also review earlier material where relevant to core themes. Relevant documents could include academic articles, programme/project evaluations or reports, and analyses of policy.

The review is one of a series of reviews commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to inform the development of a new anti-poverty strategy (for more information see

It would be very helpful if you could provide any documents in PDF or word format or as a weblink where the document is publicly available. Any contribution you can make will be very much appreciated. Please send all material or queries to the team at: [>].

For more informations, please click here.