The 26 International Cartographic Conference will be held in Dresden in August 2013. This conference returns to Germany again, with ICA conferences being held previously in Germany in Frankfurt in 1962 and Cologne in 1993. The International Cartographic Conferences take place every two years. 2013 sees the conference in the “Florence of the North”.
It will bring together cartographers and GI Science specialists from across the globe to Dresden for the International Cartographic Conference – ICC 2013. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation of scientific papers illustrating the efforts of the research community, professional papers describing the cutting-edge methods employed by mapping organisations, meetings of the ICA Commissions and
Working Groups, furthering their international collaborative efforts to advance knowledge and techniques in cartography, map exhibitions and the chance to meet again with colleagues and friends.
Dresden boasts the highest density of art treasures in Europe. And, for cartographers, the possibility to view one of the top international globe collections. Dresden is also the home of educational and research institutions that have progressed the theoretical and practical elements of Cartography and GI Science.
The 26 International Cartographic Conference will be held at Dresden’s state-of-the-art congress centre. The congress centre is in the very middle of Dresden, affording the opportunity for conference delegates and accompanying persons to explore this wonderful city. We urge you to participate in what will be a wonderful occasion. It provides the opportunity to attend presentations and Commission and Working Group meetings, to visit technical and international mapping exhibitions and to meet socially with colleagues from the international Cartography and GI Science community at a place which, for centuries, has been acting as a
hinge between Eastern and Central Europe.