Appel à candidature chercheur postdoctorant – Université du Luxembourg

The Political Science Institute at the University of Luxembourg is seeking candidates for a two-year postdoctoral research position that is also associated with the peer-reviewed journal Regions & Cohesion (Berghahn Journals) which is based in the institute. The successful candidate will principally work on his/her own research project but the subject should broadly be related to the aims and scope of the journal ( which promotes the comparative examination of the human and environmental impacts of regional integration processes. The successful applicant will be expected to assist the editors with the daily operations of the journal including communications with authors and peer-reviewers. The University of Luxembourg is a multilingual and interdisciplinary institution so candidates with a Ph.D. in any of the social sciences can apply. Regions & Cohesion is published in English, Spanish and French so applicants should be fluent in at least two of these languages. Working knowledge of all three would be viewed favorably.

– Pour plus d’informations sur ce poste, voir ci-dessous.